Wauconda Township owns and maintains four historical cemeteries. They are sections one, two, and three of Wauconda Cemetery, Fisher Family, Hope Grove, and Volo cemeteries.
Wauconda Township Cemeteries
The Fisher Family Cemetery is located on Fisher Road 1/4 mile south of Route 120, Volo.
Also formerly known as the Shaw Family Cemetery, is located several hundred feet southwest of the intersection of Route 120 and Wilson Road. It measures approximately 150 feet by 280 feet and is now located within Kettle Grove Forest Preserve.
The Volo Cemetary is located about 200 feet north of Volo Village Road on the west side of Volo-Fox Lake Road.
The Wauconda Cemetery is in the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 25 within the city limits of the Village of Wauconda. It is located on Barrington Road, approximately 1 block south of the intersection of Route 176 (Liberty Street).