Highway Department
Brush Pickup
Unincorporated Wauconda Township Residents Only
To increase the efficiency of our department, brush pickup will only be done on the second Monday of each month May – October.
Brush should be placed in the right of way no later than 7am on the day of pickup as our equipment will only make one pass through all neighborhoods.
All cut ends need to be facing the same direction towards the street.
Please do not allow brush to extend into the street.
No metal, garbage, weeds, leaves or yard waste will be picked up.
Brush may not be brought to Township for disposal.
Storm damage will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
8” inch diameter maximum.
FREE Mulch
Mulch is available to Township residents in the spring and summer. No Landscapers. Must bring own materials (shovel & container).
Mailbox Guidelines
The Wauconda Township Highway Department follows the United States Postal Service Mailbox Guidelines. For more information on placement or installation of mailboxes please visit the United States Postal Service Website.
Wauconda 2021 NOI MPDF
This document will give you insight to the projects taking place in our community and where you can expect change.
Stormwater Management Program Plan
Stormwater Management is simply a plan that helps reduce pollution and contamination during construction projects by controlling runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns, rivers, and other sites. Our team is working actively to be a part of the solution.
Snow Forecast Reminder
Snow Forecast Reminder
With the upcoming snow storm forecast, this is a reminder that there is NO Parking on Township roads when 2” or more of snow has fallen until cleared.
JULY 9, 2024