Supervisor’s Office

  • General Emergency Assistance Application

    Need assistance with past due rent or mortgage payments? We may be able to help. Download the application and connect with the Township team today to find out more.

  • LIHEAP: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    Begins October 1st-Utility assistance program for Seniors, Disabled, households with children under 6 years of age, disconnection or imminent disconnections only.

    November 1st-Open to General Public

    This program helps residents pay their gas and electric bills, providing federal guidelines are met. This program is designed for seniors, disabled, and low-income families.

  • Temporary Disabled Parking Placard

    Are you in need of a Temporary Disabled Parking Placard? We can help! Proper forms from your doctor are required and Permanent Placards must be obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office. The proper forms can be faxed from the Township office. The permanent placard will then be mailed directly to the applicant.

  • Vehicle Stickers

    2025-2026 Vehicle Stickers are now available! Vehicle stickers are not required in Wauconda. They are needed if you travel to other areas where a vehicle sticker is required to avoid a ticket.

    Must provide a valid insurance card or vehicle registration.

  • Coast2Coast Drug Card Information

    Looking to save money on your prescriptions? Coast2Coast can help! Click the link below to learn more and apply.

  • Medical Lending Closet

    The Township maintains a medical equipment closet. Items are taken as donations and lent at no charge to those recovering from surgeries or injuries. These items may be borrowed for the duration of recovery or until clients receive a Medicare covered replacement. Please call Lisa Knight at 847-526-1800 to reserve an item(s).

  • Textile Recycling

    Textile Recycling Bin NOW available at the Township Office.

  • Recycling List-United Partnership of Wauconda

    Wondering where to recycle glasses, medicine, paint, shoes, and more? This comprehensive list from United Partnership of Wauconda will tell you where your specific recyclables can be dropped off!

  • Private Water Testing

    If you live in Lake County and are in need of getting your well water tested, learn more by clicking the link below.

  • Notary Services

    Notary Services are available FREE of charge for all Wauconda Township residents. For more information call Wauconda Township.

  • Community Hall

    Are you a non-profit organization and looking for a place for your team to gather? Our Community Hall is a great space for small events, meetings, and team building. To learn more, contact Wauconda Township.

  • 211 | United Way Worldwide

    According to United Way “211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country. It’s powered by people: thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous.”

  • Veterans Assistance Commission of Lake County

    The VAC promotes the welfare of honorably discharged veterans of military service and their families. The VAC acts as a central office for all veteran organizations and has general oversight of the distribution of emergency assistance to military veterans and their families.

  • Keeping Families Covered Diaper Program

    Keeping Families Covered provides diapers and other basic needs to families. Can provide diapers for children up to age 3 and pull-ups for children up to age 4. Must be a Township resident to sign up to receive diapers through our Office.

  • Wauconda/Island Lake Food Pantry

    The Wauconda/Island Lake Food Pantry continues to serve our residents. Donations of non-perishable food items, paper products, and/or cash donations are always welcome. Food Pantry hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. and Tuesday & Thursday 4:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

  • Salvation Army Assistance

    Assistance is available for Emergency situations only. Some restrictions apply. Wauconda Township only serves the Wauconda/Volo Area. For your designated area, contact Salvation Army Headquarters at #847-366-1880.

  • Illinois Department of Human Services

    Apply for Medical, Link and/or TANF Benefits. Applications available at the Township or apply online.

  • Lake County Housing Authority

    Apply online for Housing (Section 8/Subsidized Housing.) Applications available at the Supervisor’s Office.

  • RTA Persons with Disabilities Application

  • RTA Access Pilot Program

    Recipients of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) living in Cook, Dupage, Kane, Lake & McHenry Counties are eligible for a reduced fare on all Metra Lines.

  • CapTel Captioned Telephone

    Reclaim your independence over the phone!

Erie Family Health

Provides medical, oral and behavior health services. They can be reached at 312-666-3494.

Mothers Trust Foundation

Provides immediate assistance during times of crisis to low-income children in Lake County. They can be reached at 847-482-9189.

Pads of Lake County

Provides permanent supportive housing services and can be reached at 847-689-4357.

NICASA and NICASA Teen Court

Provides behavioral and social health counseling and addictions. They can be contacted at 847-546-6450.

NISRA (Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association

Provides programs for people with disabilities and can be reached at 815-459-0737.

Zacharias Sex Abuse Center

Provides sexual assault counseling, advocacy, and prevention education. They can be reached at 847-244-1187

Little City Foundation (Countryside)

Provides support to those with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities. They can be reached at 847-221-7814.

A Safe Place

Provides support to victims of domestic violence & their children. They can be reached at 847-731-7165

Lake County Extension Foundation Inc

Supports agriculture and environmental programs. They can be reached at 847-223-8627

Society of Saint Vincent DePaul

Provides assistance to low income families in our community, for more information please call 847-526-2400.